Today is going to be different, you are going to need to control your intensity. And how do you do that? ......waiting for input, riders looking around... really trying to see if I am waiting for an answer or not... (repeat) Today is going to be different, you are going to need to control your intensity... pause... more people now paying attention.. AND HOW ARE YOU GOING to do THAT?... I don't wait for the answer, BREATHE!!! It is what you should concentrate on, it will help you in your transitions and give you FUEL to use your body efficiently. Stop and have your class sit upright on their bikes, put their hands on their lower abdomens, thumbs on your bell button, fingers splayed open. Now take a deep breathe! Did you feel your stomach move? Try it again and this time concentrate on filling up your stomach and forcefully push out the breathe through your open mouth. Contract your abdominal muscles on the exhale, relax them on the inhale. Now put your hands back on the handles and breathe with purpose, with intent... intent to control your own space and velocity.
Harry Potter Theme Song 2:12
See above for intro
I Gotta Feeling 4:05
Add tension; pick up the pace explain the ride and what is expected.
We are starting out hard with a fast jog, then jumps, 75% song, long hills, finish with jumps, sprint and HOME
Everyday is Halloween 6:3645 second fast jog, 30 second walk, 45 second fast jog, 15 sec recovery, repeat
Cue breathing, Breathe is Fuel
Pon De Replay 4:18Jumps on a 4 or 8 count
Now jumps are NOT PRESSES!! No upper body input, you lift your butt off the saddle and then plant it back on the saddle, use the quads. Don't worry what your neighbor is doing, he or she has her own "backside" to be lifting up and it may not go as fast or as slow as yours. If you are getting confused with the beat of your neighbor or instructor, close your eyes and concentrate on breathing and lifting. Relax the shoulders, relax the grip and breathe and move. 30 second intro then 1 minute of jumps, one minute of rest, one minute jumps, sit in the saddle, get some water and get ready for the 75% song
Don't Cha (extended mix) 9:30
8 minute steady pace at 75% max heart rate or 7 out of 10 for RPE
Breathe, you should be able to talk, it is o.k to have your body cool down, we are conserving your energy for the end, drop the heart rate down, big deep breathes
Hung Up 5:361 minute out of the saddle, 1 minute in the saddle, increase tension gradually,
What are you Waiting For? 3:42
Same as above, cue form, standing the weight is over the saddle, loose grip, pull up the knees, shoulders relaxed, NO LEANING
Moving in Stereo 4:42
Slow climb in the saddle increase the tension, Push and pull the legs, use the leg muscles all the way around the stroke, feel the tension, slow the breathing, let the tension pull that butt into the saddle, concentrate on your form, elbows slightly bent, loose grip, flat feet, etc.... Tell them you are now going back up this is the last part of the work out what you have been saving that energy for
Don't Stop the Music 4:27
Jumps again slow at first then increase the count, make them breathe, so strong and loud that their neighbor can hear them
Origins 4:11
sprint 30 second on, 30 second off, 1 minute race pace, 30 seconds rest, 30 second sprint, 30 second rest, one minute race pace till the end!!!!
You are HOME!!!
Take some tension off and BREATHE!!!! Are you proud of yourself? Did you do what you wanted to today?